Lotus Massage Center

General Coindications



Please, if any of the following health problems may occur in your life, consult with your doctor, and inform us! Before your massage!!!


Heart desiases, capillary problems, high bloodpressure, arteric dilatation, predispositon for trombosis,


Liver or renal desiases that effect the whole body


Infections ( exp: cold, influenza/ Flu, septic infection- bloodpoisoning)


Autoimmun desiases like lupus, reumatic athritis and sklerosis multiplex


Osteoporosis, break of any bones in the near past, wrench-dislocation, any kind of arthritic problems, bone problems, infections.


Rash/ knockout, open wound/ scar


Pregnancy, any kind of surgery in the near past.


Those who had been through chemotherapy and  radiotherapy.

In the situation in which senibility or perception can be lower for example feeling pressure or heat on the surface of the body. ( exp.: This can be a medicine effect)



These are the general coindication for those who like to take a massage therapy. In some cases massage therapy can be a complement threatment. In this case consulting a doctor also inevitable! Thank you for taking information, and this way you help to keep yourself safe and healthy, and to help our work take less risks during the therapy!